Jeremy Sarrasin

Well it's good to hear someone is standing up to them. Data collecting even when it's for something as simple as marketing just isn't fair if I don't get a choice about it. Of course there's things that I want to say I like but when things I do are just "collected" that's kind of an invasion. People who collect

Authentic??? Really??? They're... authentic??? Look... I've been knocked around by other commenting folk here for being against simple music. But if any band takes advantage of its fans it's this band. They make the easiest stuff out there and they likely do it on purpose since one song isn't really even so different

@lbelenky: Wow that sounds incredible! Thanks for such a detailed answer! Sounds like a good idea became a great project.

@avconsumer2: Hahahahaha I'm pretty sure human trials will involve romance with a sampling cup.

Heh, something to note. If the guy is taking the pill then forgetting a pill doesn't result in two periods for that month.

@Cagny: Something tells me people buying these things are not exactly wine tasters or aficionados. Not that I'm knocking this idea. I know I have days where I'd prefer to go to the local brewpub and try some pints of all the recipes and other days it's nice to just get a 24 pack and crack cans in the sun with my

"... inappropriately early on a weekday."

Malicious software eh? Phew. So all the people who downloaded all those Tetris clones that got removed from the market are okay? Good stuff.

@bjaxon: Those won't be a household item til around 2015!

@justinpe: No doubt, but at the same time, if I broke my phone and they wanted it back but I still had to pay for another I'd probably just put mine in the recycle bin.

@lbelenky: Looking at the comments below it would seem people are very doubtful of the design or concept working. How well would you say something like that can work?

@JS_Drupal: Hah, yeah but those of us who bought his fan without a blade are prepared for that crap :P

I smoke pipe tobacco. I like it very much.

@Dustin Mayer: His wallet? Jeeze! I only wanna shoot the ones that pull out their big wad of cash.

@sedimin: At a glance it can look odd but prosthetics have to take one thing into account, you cannot control it. In order to make some maneuvers possible, the thing has to be round enough to lean in different directions. If they were flat he might actually have a bit of trouble doing certain things.

@HRDSalami654: Animals go through quite a huge depression when they lose a limb but they seem to spiritually recover better than some people can. My friend's dog lost a leg when he got hit by a car. He was really sad for a couple weeks, but now he gets excited and gallops around like nothing ever happened to him.

@Svirfneblin: Actually they did confirm in the experiment the people that were afraid of snakes. The idea was that they were requested to suppress that fear the best they could and pick the snake. The teddy bear would be the alternative that they could grab should they give up fighting the fear. It's a way of them

@Culebra: And even that's aggressively put forth with the same motivation, safety in numbers.

@Roth: As Webster would say, "[Courage is] mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty."

@StrangeAndAlone: Yeah. Ghosts really are one of the last things that can have that classic horror feel.