Jeremy Sarrasin

MEME? Why I have no idea what those are! Spam? You mean the meat well I certainly wouldn't want that stuff here either! My your banhammer sure has a nice knob! Would you like me to polish your knob? Oh no I didn't mean to be inappropriate I'm just trying to offer up well I uhh!

@Weather: Yeah, standards for the movies... Right. That was pretty shocking for me to see as well.

I'm only 24 and I already feel like I'm fatter and older than I wanna be. I don't want my picture taken either! :P

@harikirirocker: I don't much like how they've swept it under the rug and encouraged developers to go on making games for this release. Nobody likes being late but honestly I'd feel better seeing them take the high road rather than handle it the way they have.

It's amazing the way Pixar can take the things that we hurt over, the normal griefs that we just have to bear through our lives and manage to make a good story of them. It's like this simultaneous acknowledgement of yes these situations are a terrible grief and it's okay to feel them, and others know the feeling.

The real big impact will be on my TV, when I stumble and fall into it.

@Rushock: The big guy's grinning like he's doing something he shouldn't. The little guy's grinning like he likes it.

@BreadKnight: He bought the ticket with all his theoretical dollars. It's okay though, soon he'll go theoretically bankrupt as has beens tend to do.

@Modified_67: I think this is just a kink they're working out that got the best of them too close to the deadline. Early games may not be sitters but I have my doubts that once they crack down on the sitting while watching movies problem, game developers won't try to incorporate that configuration into their later

@rawkr: Oh come on Link just wants to play! Don't be so ignorant! That's ignorant!

This is true only for the guys without charisma. That said, I'm one of them.

@Wontendwell: Yes and they'll be later coming out with a Final Fantasy Vs XIV which will be anticipated to be the "real" FF XIV since it will have airships.

@Jeremy Sarrasin: Regrettably it probably has only one optical in, so it'd be best for a PS3 since that does everything. But that's what I was going for.

@Gnarkiller: It does have the digital optical audio in as well as other audio inputs. That'd be perfect for either gaming system since their surround is digital. The Best Buy page is just VERY very unclear about it. It didn't even list the inputs there.

It's because he has a crush on Milo.

@Chewbenator: Apparently even the choices have to be hardcore in this one.