@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: What's with people making comments here that belong on facebook or something?
@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: What's with people making comments here that belong on facebook or something?
If they have trouble with the telling voices apart thing, they should work in something that allows it to see which face is speaking. Maybe it should detect the person making the command looking directly at it or something. Then it would be able to at least "see" an intruder is making the command rather than a player.
@Yamen: That's really awesome except the thing still has to be able to tell voices apart for that to work. Otherwise that'd just turn out to be a sandbox of creatures in a free for all. It could be calibrated to respond to commands when they're said right after a particular gesture but that kind of pacing won't work…
@The Yellow Peril: Maybe the xbox would stop smoking, or eat that broken glass.
Even if I love this game, that doesn't really justify what they're doing... Seems like an easy way out. People thought you couldn't follow Goldeneye but Perfect Dark was amazing and it was a completely new idea. It probably helped that it felt the same, but it added a lot more also.
@Panserbjørne: I worked three days a week, 6 hr shifts at $8 an hour. I shared a two bedroom apartment with a friend. We bought fresh vegetables and all separate ingredients rather than any prepared meal or side dish. Every dinner was cooked from scratch with all the dark green and various other colours you need...…
Even if he's right, what a meanie pants. I don't want to think about that when I could instead be celebrating the existence of the laser!
Huh, between this and all the RTS and turn based stuff for ipad... I can see why getting one could actually be fun. But I'd feel too bad and dirty if I did hehe.
@SquaIor: Heh, if this were done Red Dead Redemption style, you'd walk in the water until it gets to your chin then "gurgle, gulp! bleh!"
The further away it is from my face, the better it looks? I'll keep it as far away from my face as possible!
I wonder if Moto will put a better battery in their Droid x than the one in the Desire and such. Battery life seems to be a big deal right now.
@Andy Mesa: The problem is that the OS is somewhat young. Fact is it's been hard for developers because the OS had been updated many times and really hasn't settled til recently. The differences between the versions were a challenge. Now that it's stable it's gaining a lot of momentum. I for one don't really think…
@Velox Aequitas: I know! I was about to look away and right then the cross hairs show up and there he is blowing my mind! Then after that he shows the mechanism and the way the pieces move are actually part of how it loads! AMAZING!
This is where lego should be, in the real world. I miss thinking of lego as a mentally challenging and reinforcing construction toy. Lately it's nothing more than a cheap trick to sell games.
@countzero1234: Brain age used it really well. There's no way that particular exercise of the brain could be done without a mic. I think if something can add an otherwise impossible element to a game it's deserving.
@Nighson: I know... Just feels like there's a lack of individuals sometimes.
I used to care about the droid because somebody actually made a controller pad that fits on top of the keyboard and turns it into a very comfy game controller. [techblips.dailyradar.com]
So everyone with all their distinct tastes is exactly the same. Hah. Those are some similar snowflakes.
@brijazz: I have an old alarm clock I got when I was a kid. It's black with red digits. It has a cassette deck and one speaker on the side. Its volume control doesn't work with the alarm any more so it's super frighteningly loud and used to scare me almost to death every morning. I've since taken a bunch of paper,…
@Chronophasic: Very much agreed. Pixels and polygons were very flattering to Mario. Also I hate that voice. Having him silent would be fine. There's no need for shrill cheering at every jump.