Jeremy Sarrasin

I'm getting my exercise on an elliptical machine. Far more exercise in far less time, so I can practice guitar and play video games all I want. These kids? Who knows... I remember being that into things that weren't the best for me when I was younger too. There was a time when my only walking outside was done to get

@axiomatic: can't say I know much about games but the opposite is true for music. Any music studying will show you 95% of what's on the radio is super easy to do and fake, whether it's the "rock" or "country" or pop it's all so dumb and simple and easy and people love it and buy it. the suits will have it all i'm

@fronsac: that's the key, regulation. The tax is on the sale because that's where the real money is. It's the same with tobacco. A lot of the price goes to the government, which is why a $3 tin of chew in America is $20 in Canada. Make no mistake, we're ripped off in every aspect badly, it's just done in a lot smarter

@Carey.Laius: Heh, I can see where you're coming from actually. It's like this status thing, have your house paid off and get a family! It's like it makes you better than others if you get it done. Though I think by selfish they probably could have meant one buying himself all sorts of toys he doesn't need instead of

@Jackstick: SAME here. Also the added character voices in the classic Mario games for the Advance are annoying too. I tried playing Super Mario World Advance and I couldn't stand the Mario yelling every time I jumped or did anything. Put it down in minutes.

@jasbir.singh: I know. Can you believe that the setting of Back to the Future part 2 is in five years? We get all of our cars flying in five years!?

@konaa: I've tried it. It takes a couple weeks but I can do it myself already. Had a cut, now it's gone.

@Assassin_Kensei: Where's this rat penis burger you heard of? How can I make sure I'm the one who gets it? How much do they need me to pay? Are you sure there's only one!?

@infinitezero: I guess that means you've got the blues.

@Jouen: I somewhat agree with you especially since fixing them usually only involves opening them up a bit and doing a little cleaning or replacing a battery. People always think their stuff is broken when it's just dirty.

@Lemstring: you may not be able to make a gibson les paul out of nes carts, but it's pretty easy to learn to make your own pickups and rewire a cheaper guitar with the same sorts of guts that are in the gibsons. I'd say it can be less than a hundred to make an epiphone one as good as a gibson if you can find a free

I think it's a balance between what people are fans of. Some people are fans of the reality, and some people are fans of the fantasy. It's the same in racing, you have people who go crazy for things like Mario Kart and Burnout, and the people who want the most accurate sims available. If you ask me it's maybe not a

@mastiffchild: Heh, if you ask me all the ones who immigrated here to colonize the place must have been insane or something because everything here's backwards to what would be good and benefit everyone, but that's another topic.

Sim City!!!! Sim City!!!!! Oh my golly gee whiz I still love Sim City so so much!!!!

Well we can't keep asking the same questions about what's alright and what isn't. The question of killing humans in a game being alright and killing seals not is a pretty predictable question and it really skirts the real issue of what we're dealing with when it comes to people being offended. Taking offence, just

@DarthXehanort: Do the enemies in Oblivion count? I'm starting to feel really guilty for all the cute little crabs I'm slaying on the shores. Man, come to think of it I watched someone follow deer around clubbing them like crazy in that game...

@edosan: Hey now, there's nothing wrong with Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Berries, Cherry Blasters, Nerds, Twizzlers, Mentos, Life Savers, anyone remember those delicious hard strawberry candies in the wrapper that looked like a strawberry? Dark chocolate is a good one but you have to actually like the taste of chocolate

So I'm rather new to the game and so far I'm in agreement with this entire review except I must so far add one more hate. The dialogue in some scenes (mainly ALL of the beginning) is... an obvious effort to be accessible??? I don't know... I'm trying not to call it completely stupid but I feel like it is. I found

Heh... Maybe they'll do like Mistwalker and make a title very similar but not the same as the original name like The Last Story. Their new game should be called Hoop.

Oh wow... I never thought of it, but I must play so much Mario because I can't jump. :P