Jeremy Grandorff

@STiger: I find it incredibly hard to condone anything that asshat sticks his name on. I heard from a review that it's just a name stuck onto a subpar headset.


From the introduction of Far Cry 2, I already knew it was going to suck. Even the first-person part of it didn't look quite right, something was off, I'm not sure if it was the walking, or the aiming or what, but it felt so static. The hour long drive in the truck or whatever it was didn't help the title much either.

@Goldwings 2.0: Left 4 Dead 2 for me, I was within the group of people that were wary about the game being released only a year after, thinking it should have just been an expansion pack, but god-damn! It's so good, every bad thing about L4D was gone and everything that made it good was made better.