Please die in a fire.
Please die in a fire.
He also said “there were fine people on both sides” which is horrifically untrue.
To paraphrase Admiral Halsey, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi that has been rotting on Omaha Beach for six months.
I mean the counter protesters were in many cases actual communists. If we want to parse historical death tolls...
Seriously?! He equivocated the left with white supremacists with that statement by putting them on the same level. We fought a goddamn war against those fascist bastards and you are appologizing for them.
after Trump put Neo-Nazis on the same moral level as people who despise Neo-Nazis
See, the thing is he did this. There is video. And transcripts. This is no longer about First Amendment and free speech rights (which Jesus Christ, people, learn what is actually protected by the 1st Amendment).
David Duke loved it.
Sure didn’t take you long to show that your “hey hey let’s all be fair-minded and level headed” ruse was just a front to hide your MAGA hat.
The term “alt-right” was coined by a racist dickbag named Richard Spencer. “Alt-left” is a term also made up by racist dickbags. No one on the left uses that term.
“Yes Osama Bin Laden is bad, but we must not forget that other people are also bad.”
You must have missed the part where the white supremacists were A. Actual Nazis, an organization that exterminated millions of people, and B. The only people to leave Charlottesville with an actual body count.
If punching Nazis is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Go fuck yourself.
Good call, guy.
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