Jeremih Raiden

That and he had some notable reinforcements in there with a cage, etc.

It is a shame this happened to him and his car. One thing to take away from this is thank goodness he was one of the good guys who took his racing to a track. Can you imagine what could have happened if this had happened in a street race? Be like Greg here, take it to the track. If something goes wrong then that might

Theyre buying the ability to continue human rights abuses, and fund terrorists who attack America without interference. That is what theyre buying.

LOL I was wondering about that... like... is that the actual team bus?

Nothing good ever happens when the Eagles come to town.

Seriously? The Camry driver AND passenger HAD to be high! Look at them! They have no clue the biker is even standing there let alone yelling at them though honestly, the biker had an extraordinary amount of control.

“Buffoon” fits perfectly.

But this isn’t a car site. It’s Foxtrot Alpha which is a military site.


Yep. Such grace and class.

Just so we can get it out of the way and move on to other commentary:
Something something something liberals, politics on my car site, keep your politics to yourself, liberal media, MAGA, I’m unsubscribing from Jalopnik, give him a chance, but whataboutwhenObama..., blah blah blah etc