Jeremih Raiden

So if you’re black, you can’t catch a cab. If you’re a cop, you can’t catch an Uber. If you’re a black cop, you’re getting too old for this sh*t.

I’m amused that it’s on a rental car. Nice tasteful ‘mod’ before turn in?

There was an intern in our parking lot that had a Virginia International Raceway sticker on his Prius and it always gave me a hardy laugh.

I resisted at first, but caved and realized people stopped tailgating or cutting me off in the center lane for doing a reasonable speed. Offspring in the car made me a cautious driver.

Dunno, looks clean to me (not my car)

I know this isn’t a fake mod but I cringe every time I see these stickers

A fake sunroof. Not joking, it’s a thing.


M badges on non-M BMWs.