Your analogy is one of the biggest piss poor attempts I’ve seen in a while.
Your analogy is one of the biggest piss poor attempts I’ve seen in a while.
Clear out the insults, but keep in the banter.
I didn’t really read the article, but I searched for any mention of the word stock and shares. I found none.
Use it all the time. It’s very useful when you want to ask Google a quick question without having to press and hold the home on screen button.
Laws give a shit. Laws, you and I must follow lest we lose our license.
You mean the final circle gotsmaller and smaller and there were 3 teams left? NO WAY! The intro into this article smells of someone that barely ever plays PUBG.
You know the most ironic part? Twitch could just come down extremely hard and ban any account on fist ofcursnce of saying something like “kill yourself” or saying racist terms etc in chats.
You must not be old enough to know that the internet has been this way since.. it started.
Just curious, did anyone notice the writer typo “course” when they meant “coarse”?
Not trying to argue but unfaithful generally means cheating, but he didn’t say that’s exactly what it was, did he?
Oh shut up. Just by questioning this situation to see what OTHER PEOPLE thing, you along with a lot of intellectually hindered people on Twitter are suggesting that he was advocating for this? Such bullshit.
This is stupid. Like, really, really stupid. Trump likely had thousands of photos taken, most of them looking normal. However, I bet you would take 5 pictures, and all 5 of them you would tell your selfie partner that you don’t look good and want a retake.
I will at least agree that men and young children are definitely becoming more sissy. Which sucks. Likely due to diets, chemicals, and other things in our food, rather than lack of playground exercise.
Holy shit everything is misogyny now, even if his purpose is to directly influence young male children to be more masculine. So much misogyny. He isn’t being prejudiced. The idea in his head is simply directed towards males.
The joke is on him. Nobody can see the name of your pokemon form the gym. Its simply magikarp.
This tournament was boring, mostly, for me. I was just glad Portugal won, that way it might force Messi to come back to Argentina.
And a recent fact check:…
“A woman can legally deprive a man of his right to become a parent or force him to become one against his will.”
Meh. Simple coincidence, really. I bet you can match it up with anywhere, really.