
Some soccer players? You mean, rare instances? You named 2, potentially 3 players out of how many?

Quit being stubborn, and understand when you’ve lost an argument. You don’t have to be stubborn.

Not only was this sad, but it wasn’t even clever. It felt like a very weak attempt at a clever plea.

Your argument falls completely flat when the developers, investors, and Blizzard decided that the game was 100% ONLINE ONLY. If you bought the game assuming there was a single player mode, then you’re a dumbfuck that should learn to read.

Control you? Control you from cheating? Get real, man. You need a Donald Trump style ass whoopin. Defending people that exploit the game and cheat? I don’t understand. Why are you defending them? The game doesn’t have aimbot, wallhacks, etc for a reason.

It’s pretty embarrassing that you bring Trump into a discussion about English football.

I can’t believe I was so fooled :(

I’m a neutral. I don’t favor either team (unless Torres is playing, he’s my all time hero).

And this was a few days ago. There’s no way Bruce was never told by a single person that Nagbe was likely injured. Stand up for your players when the media actually do blow something out of proportion. Maybe say that your player didn’t mean it, and it was simply a mistimed or bad tackle. Don’t say the player “probably

Bruce Arena’s comments hurt my brain. If you need to be wheel-chaired off the pitch, you’re hurt. Even if you simply limp off the pitch, you are hurt. I’m not sure what his definition of hurt is.

Maybe he means it. He didn’t lose his temper. Maybe before every game, he simply said “if the situation arises, I will not hesitate to headbutt someone.”

The referee tried his damn best to not give any red cards this match. And he succeeded, even if it included ignoring some laws of the game.

Sure, it would be a “shame.” However, how shameful would it have been to, not only ignore the laws of the game (denial of goal scoring opportunity), and then turn around moments later to grant that same player an advantage of a penalty kick.

I’m not “irritated” about it, but I find it slightly annoying if someone says something incorrect about astrophysics or space, etc, he absolutely would point it out and correct it. People would praise him, etc.

I definitely saw it in real time. I did the EXACT same thing to a kid in highschool. Fair tackle, but some unfortunate event. I heard the break as well. I’m fairly certain moreno heard the break, saw a wobble, and put it together pretty quickly. Some reason you get a good feeling about a broken leg the second it

This video cracks me up at the beginning.

Could this be effective before a soccer game on a Sunday? I’m pretty athletic already, but I’ve never tried any carb loading of any kind.

You see the error in tour logic yet? How much money do the likes of Man United, Real Madrid, Barcelona make from united states sales? Imagine that its a large figure eh?

I'm sure that it has sensors in it that can determine if you are free-falling. From the video, it takes some few milliseconds or so to actually deploy. So, I would say they would be fairly good at not deploying at the wrong time

This article has been up for years. They keep reposting multiple times a year. :S