Jeremiah Hargenrader

I wish I was close to Denver.

@george9807: Nice. I consider myself lucky that the 2-year school I go to has Firefox on the computers, but Chrome? Really cool.

@FannyRatLove: I don't think expecting Lifehacker's editors to strive for correct spelling and grammar is too much to ask.

What about Google pretty much dropping support for offline Gmail and looking ahead to HTML5? That'd be another one.

@Movado: Yeah, I've tried doing that before, and quickly realized that not knowing the time drove me nuts, and made me lose track of time.

Have all the victims of this week's and/or last week's snow storms dug out yet? Looks like the south is getting hit today.

@Prismatist: Are you guys going to get any snow there before it's over?

Definitely very simple. Would prefer a little more functionality. This is basically just a page with four bookmarks. I already have way more than that on my bookmarks bar.

@Prairie Moon: +1. I'm extremely cutting edge on new software, so PC Cleanup is at least a weekly occurrence for me, if not more.

Are there any programmers out there who use a netbook regularly? Are they a good option for a programmer? I'm currently running on a laptop primarily, but if a netbook could work, it'd be even less of a hassle to carry around at school, etc.

So there's no shortcut for "go to spam"? There's one for marking as spam, but not to just go there?

Yeah, to me, the point of VLC is that it's rather light, and plays just about everything. Extensions would unnecessarily complicate it, IMO.

It appears Verizon DSL has a WPA option, but if I were to suddenly change it, would the 4 other computers in the house suddenly be disconnected?

@soggy_cheerio: Hmm, I should just stop complaining about every little thing and create my own little greasemonkey script(s) then. All the web programming classes I've taken recently, I should be able to throw something together.

Um, looks like Gawker has changed something with the comments again. Replies are no longer shown by default. Ick. I guess it's closer to what it used to be that way, but it's too small and liable to be missed.

Couldn't it be argued that telling yourself not to do something just makes you do it more, since you're always thinking about it?

@TrombaMarina: " IE6 alone is more popular than all of these browsers put together."

The extensions vs. no extensions is interesting.

For a while, I was using [] but lately I've just been turning my music on, and been fine.

Isn't the developer channel (and beta, obviously) on 4.0-something as well? Which would mean the difference right now is very negligible.