
I almost guarantee that this is not supported, but the free version of Crashplan allows you to backup to another computer. You could possibly use the free version to backup one computer to the other, and then use the paid version to backup that computer, along with the contents of your other computer. It is a bit of a

I used to have a big problem with this when I was younger and quickly learned that Hydrogen Peroxide works wonders. It's really interesting listening to all of the bubbling going on right on your eardrum, but not only does it get the water out, but it also cleans out your ears.

This is why I made one of those paperclip cellphone docks for my car and clipped it onto a vent. A/C keeps my phone nice and cool and I never have to worry about it overheating. Mine isn't as nicely done as the one featured by Lifehacker, but it gets the job done.

As a former engineering student, I agree with everything you said, but would actually like to add one more thing.

I haven't quite figured out how their map downloading works, but it definitely can map you places when you don't have a data connection. I feel as though you need to have either been in that area with it on, or mapped to/through that area before. Now, the only things it will have access to are the maps, and not POIs

I remember thinking something down the lines of this when I was a child about the word "sorry." I always hated when I was forced to apologize for something that I did on purpose. The desired effect was to do something mean to this other person. I am not apologetic for what I did. I meant to do it.

That's obviously an Anon hacker based off of the mask next to it.

I always thought what my parents did was quite interesting. There was no allowance for doing chores around the house. That was just expected of you. As a younger child, I didn't really have money. Either they bought me an item, or they didn't. As I grew up and was old enough to go out on my own things changed a bit.

I am going to try this soon. It is definitely something that can be done successfully, you just need a couple more attempts and a board with some better direction control. Or a driver that doesn't run you over...

I have to say one of the favorite things about my current job is that I have what we call a 9/80 schedule. I theoretically work 9 hour days for 8 days, and one 8 hour day, getting every other Friday off. I say theoretically because I normally work a ten hour day or so my first day of the 2 weeks, and fluctuate here

I read somewhere that most people die in situations like this because they panic. Their thought process shuts down and they have no idea what to do. When you see things like this in the movies, you always think to yourself, "Wow, that person is stupid. Why don't they just unbuckle and leave?" But, in reality, doing

My primary computer now is a laptop, so I really only use my desktop for gaming. On that front, the ghosting you get on even the best LCDs has always given me a headache.

There is absolutely no way that my tower would fit on my desk. That thing is a behemoth. I also have 2 CRTs as my monitors, so that's probably not helping my case.

I heard that (before my time) there used to be a drag strip down Dixon Landing in Milpitas. It was in between 880 and the dump, off to the right where that large patch of unused land is.
Where I am talking about.

Well I now know where I am going to be every weekend. I used to ride my bike to this factory back when it was Nummi. They also used to be a lot more open about people coming on and off of their land back then, but I know a couple places where you should be able to see the track.

Is it sad that I would take one of these things over a Mustang?

Well I wish I had known about that cap when I got my student loans. Somehow I managed to get loans with the old 6.8% anyway. Now, I had to take out more than the $23,000 cap of that program, so maybe that is why, but that lower interest rate sure does sound nice...

My favorite setting that I have in BetterTouchTool: a four finger tap turns off the screen and therefore locks the computer. This would always confuse my friends in college as every time I left my computer the screen would turn off. They always thought that it somehow knew when I was not sitting in front of it.

My grandparents have a room set up almost exactly like that. With all of the furniture in it, the glare isn't that bad and it works perfectly as a reading room. They also have an automatic awning that moves out or retracts during the day. This helps prevent direct light into the room and keeps it comfortably lit

As much as I am glad this fad is dead, if I were to spend big money on a crazy sound system, it would have to be just about this insane. Why not have your speakers slide out the back of your car? What better way to show prove to everyone that you can blow their eardrums out?