Jeramy Bailey

Heathers is the best movie to attempt to explain to someone who has never seen it. “It’s about a girl and her boyfriend who kill people and frame them as suicides. It’s hilarious! No really! Why are you backing away?”

A big part of me hopes that photo is in honour of that scene.

Did you dry these in a rainforest?

Thats Jeff Vader. He’s after the Penne Arrabbiata.

This tray is wet... this tray is wet... this tray is wet...

is that darth vader visiting the cantina?

Best vehicle I’ve ever owned!

Sure, didn’t Doug write an article about how an off road focused SUV is the best city vehicle? I’ve got plenty of curbs and medians to jump, potholes to drive through... the damn thing is neigh unstoppable in an urban environment.

I drive an FJ Cruiser. Can confirm that it is fun on multiple levels. Pic because I love it so much.

Will you do a post for every food recall? Cause there are friggin tons of those. Or only Trader Joe recalls?

I wonder if that dash gives all of the girls in bangkok massive boners, like it did to me?

Cue the Cue’ers that post about Cue’ing.

alternative medicine courses

That’s why I make sure I’m awake by 11:00 AM. It’s really that 30 minutes of peace and quiet that makes being a morning person so rewarding.

hey but she will die artesianal death

Literally not one interesting or important thing has ever happened, historically, before 11.30 AM. Stay the fuck in bed, people.