I would murder all of you for that pick-up version.
I would murder all of you for that pick-up version.
So, I turned 36 on April 17th, so if I'm misunderstanding this correctly, that means I should marry the first new woman I meet sometime in the first five days of February of next year. Got it!
Suddenly I really want to make some kids. More so than usual, in fact.
Jokes on you Daneland, I don't even have kids!
We did, but my mother didn't get the memo.
One of my 7th grade shop teachers lost half a finger, the year before I was there, during a safety demonstration.
30 years ago? I guess we know what Jack Burton was doing before heading to Chinatown.
The car had it coming.
Driving the "Ultimate DrivingMachine" doesn't make you the "Ultimate Driver".
I did that very thing just a week or so ago.
The way cruise control handles hills. I live and work in Eastern Kentucky, specifically along the Mountain Parkway, and I like using cruise control to keep from driving too fast, since I want to drive fast, but don't want to get tickets.
I loved that game.
Yeah, I had to relearn that lesson on Thanksgiving. I was on a slick, muddy hill, going down, and I momentarily forgot how to drive and touched the breaks when I started drifting towards the ditch, which sent the tail end towards it faster. Thankfully I remembered what the fuck to do and gave it some gas and oppo and…
Taking all bets...
I just backed a trailer into a tight spot, after having to turn the whole thing around by avoiding three vehicles and a canoe, in a driveway that is only made for two vehicles, with an extended cab tundra, by myself, with no one watching, in the dark, in half the time this idiot took to do nothing. What the fuck!?!