Jeramy Bailey

Working at Foxxconn?

Do not try to escape. You are in my control. Look at me: I am the sum of all evils. Look carefully. My power infests all times, all galaxies, all dimensions. But many still seek me out; a green eyed kitty they must possess. But see how I destroy their lives.

I've kind of got a thing for women with, uh, "serious" noses. Don't know why, don't care.

Now playing

With all the Raising Arizona quotes, I don't understand why no one has posted the most obvious part.

(whispers) click it!

The Siberian Peninsula? So their Commie Pinko psudo-bears.

Rapped up like a douche!

I'm very glad I read his Mars Trilogy. However, I didn't enjoy reading them.

It's their life. Don't try to pigeonhole them.

You, you're ok.

How did people live before everything was ironic?

Watch A Bridge Too Far for the particular cultural reference I'm, uh, referencing.


My favorite was a What If? where Professor X became the Juggernaut, instead of his half-brother. He wasn't there to ameliorate humanity's fear of mutants, or to stop Magneto's war on humans, since he spent years buried under a mountain digging his way out. However, he was able to watch it all unfold with his psychic

This is why you can never trust the English.

Oh, well, that's ok then.

You're using those tears for lubrication, aren't you? You poor, sad, pathetic person.

And so can horses right now. I was at a horse auction a few months ago in Lexington, KY and most of them were only fetching a few hundred bucks. They're so low, and the upkeep so high, relatively, that there are about a dozen or so that have been turned loose (without permission) on our family property in eastern KY.