
The TV show isn't exactly it's own continuity. They are roughly following the comic history(up until this last episode anyways) from the Flashpoint timeline at the moment. They have altered it somewhat which is expected to tell something a little new and alternate. The basis is still explained elsewhere though was my

Dude is all you do is watch the TV show? I mean if you really don't get it and don't bother to read the comics just Google it. You'd have all of Flash history in 1 minute and finally understand. They make these shows for the fans that already know most of it not for the unintiated. The latter are expected to actually

He couldn't tell him. it would create a paradox and possibly change his behavior changing future events and who each would become. Read the reply to Manimal above for a little of the Flash history that might clarify for you. There have been so many timelines i honestly can't recall every single one but I don't recall

Absolutely disagree. Your comments are written as someone with absolutely no knowledge of the comics these shows came from. Had you read them ever you already know why Eobard came back and why the Flash waved himself off saving his mother. Had he saved his mother the world ends up being a far worse place in the future