
While I can see advantages to such a system (and notable disadvantages), I hope Apple's effort fails.

I approve of this message.

@Odin: Nevermind, just checking a coincidence. :)

@Odin: This is completely random and off-topic, but does B5:RS mean anything to you?

This is very cool technology, and the Kinect part is the most boring bit about it.

@RushinRussian: Muffins aren't cake, they're quickbread. They have high fat content, long gluten strands and are leavened with soda (normal bread has less fat, and is biologically leavened).

Batman and Tacgnol, the superhero team-up we've all been waiting for.

@Mark 2000: No, but they are in the business of doing basic aeronautics research, that is often used by others in the making of commercial jets.

Know what would be awesome? If all these undocumented settings/registry hacks were in a central database somewhere (perhaps on [] ).

@Mark 2000: NASA. What do you think that A stands for?

The face of war.

Perfect for letting everyone know you're having new age fun, with a vintage feel.

Rising fuel prices, airport delays and the business jet killed the Concorde, not the crash.

@easterbunny: Well, no, it crashed due to foreign object damage (FOD). And while FOD is expensive, I can't think of any other commercial aircraft that's been taken out by it.

@BK Phil: Presumably that's what Google's trying to figure out. Clustering has been a staple of search engines for about ten years, but I'm not exactly sure how well that would work: you still have to identify the spammy clusters. In the end, I don't really see how clustering does anything you don't already get with

That sounds badly designed, not beautifully designed. But hey, aesthetics are more important than practicality, right?

My favorite fractal-based artwork is the Buddhabrot. They're quite easy to generate too.

@BK Phil: Well they could have their own people do this, but that's against the Google ethos. Their search results are based purely on data analysis.

What annoys me are all the 'PC Optimization Software' spam sites. Google for an error code trying to find the appropriate MSDN page and 99% of the links are to pages trying to sell you their crapware.