
@Spaceknight: Any scheme based on crowd sourcing can and will be gamed.

@Bassman22: What uncertainty? Do not conflate your knowledge and experience with that of others.

@countjackula: Sure, all you have to do is figure out how to do something really important, much better than everybody else.

@arj8138: You shouldn't have approved it.

@nachobel TOTORO!: I don't understand your first point. One could argue that we don't truly understand how anything works, I suppose. But we have no less of an idea of why QT works than anything else in quantum mechanics. It may be weird in a classical sense, but really it's just based on unusual states of

@dtptampa: This actually is relativistic quantum mechanics. It's based on Rindler modes.

@TheCrudMan: Quantum teleportation isn't instantaneous, as it requires a classical message that is causally bound.

@MifuneT: Information can be transmitted, and there is no limit to distance. But information can't be transmitted in a way that violates causality.

The abstract is extremely cool, but before I read the paper, I have to comment:

@SynthOno: It has nothing to do with changing corporate structure, and I don't know where you got that from. The board of directors runs any large company, the upper management is just in charge of day to day operations. Except in Apple's case, Jobs more or less rules the board with an iron fist.

@SynthOno: No, Apple will simply not be as successful post-Jobs, because of corporate politics. All companies above a certain size end up being run by a committee (called the board of directors). Apple is the sole exception I'm aware of, because Jobs has so much political capital within the company, the public and the

@rodrigues124: In Half-Life 2: Episode 2, you come across a garden gnome at the beginning of the game. If you carry that gnome all the way to the end, and launch it into space on board the missile, you get the Little Rocket Man achievement.

@M0squ1t0: I was thinking Episode 2.

I'm reminded of Portal. The commentary reveals how the first half of the game is designed as a training session to teach players how to make it through the second.

@Tacticalspoon: Ugh. I've been playing Just Cause 2 lately and I despise this.

And some achievements are just awesome.

@Adam H: Winnipeg isn't the end of the world, but you can see it from there.