
So how is this better than DLNA again? Other than the privilege of paying Apple more $ to do it.

@my name is jonas: But why should they, when they have an army of morons willing to throw away all the devices which already support DLNA, to buy more expensive, apple licensed AirPlay(TM) compatible ones?

Only Nixon could go to China, and only the Republicans can fix the TSA. It's the politics of mob stupidity.

@kfruen821: Reading comprehension. I hear it's the new big thing, but I understand if you think it's just a passing fad.

@Steven Callas: I have a flu. Apparently it's taken out my sarcasm detector. Oops.

@IrinaWylder: You are confusing user convenience with user freedom.

@Mike Santo: And that is why America can't have nice things.

@Andy Mesa: Gizmodo editors posts things they think the readers will be interested in. Usually that's tech and gadgets, but not always. If you aren't interested in a story, nobody is making you read it.

@oanda: Today if you have a GSM phone, and you want to change carriers... you go to the new carrier and buy a new SIM from them (costs about $5 usually), with a plan attached to it. You put that SIM into your phone and tada, now it works on the new carrier.

@Steven Callas: Explain to me exactly how a non-replaceable SIM card is better for the consumer.

@Dr. What?: You have either never used a GSM phone, or you are being disingenuous.

Apparently this douchebag thinks that key staff members are merely replaceable cogs. Because seriously, they're just the "little people." How can they possibly matter...

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: You can do things the UNIX way if you want in Windows. You can mount a filesystem to any directory you want. The default is to give it a drive letter, presumably because that's how Windows has always worked.

@Bodzin: Tried it. Didn't like it.

I want more application sandboxing. Give each installed application its own SID. There's no reason a random piece of software I'm using should run under my own user identity. Software should have access to files I give it access to, but otherwise should only be allowed to play with itself.

@Kiori Hayabusa: I'm not sure if the Japanese indifference to the plight of the jews is that damning, because you're right, they weren't directly involved in the Holocaust.

What I find deliciously ironic about this idiot is it's the same logic behind "I won't wear a seatbelt, because I want to be thrown clear of an accident." i.e., focusing only on one side of the equation.

What an abysmal tale. What you gloss over is that that uniform should be a shameful reminder of an evil chapter in Japan's history. To some extent, they made the Nazis look civilized in comparison.