
Assuming this is true, then forget lawsuits, how is that not criminal? Shitty things will happen when you have enough people interacting with each other.

@Quotidian_Hr: People haven't become stupid, people have always been stupid. You don't really notice it in history because pointing out that 'people used to be stupid' isn't an amazing insight... because people have always been stupid.

@OddManOut: I rewatched a lot of Star Trek (TNG, DS9 and Voyager, no original series) recently.

@JstSqzd: A nuclear bomb leaves around a lot of radioactive isotopes that can contaminate an environment for a long time after the initial explosion. A matter-antimatter explosion would produce a lot of radiation in the initial explosion, but no lingering radiation.

@zonk7ate9: The speed of light is a "hard limit," but it's the same in all reference frames (i.e., from any perspective). And in your own reference frame, you aren't moving.

@Death_By_SnuSnu: Indeed, you can use a magnet to trap particles: the particles trace out a circular path, staying nicely away from the walls of your storage device. Unfortunately, it's imperfect.

@BlueGeek: It's radiation that limits the deployment of nuclear technology. The shielding required, and the requirement for closed-cycles to prevent radiation leaks, makes nuclear technology quite impractical below a certain scale.

@Rabid Penguin: Quantum teleportation is a very different thing from Star Trek style teleportation. The terminology is confusing, but equating the two is rather like thinking you can fax objects.

@Greg Krynen: And, Angels & Demons is a formulaic book by a shitty author, that we'd all rather forget ever happened.

@jetRink: Amazing, someone understands that "relativity" is not just a cool name.

@hawkeye18 is not from Iowa: The worst part about being "that guy" is when you're wrong. The Alcubierre drive does function largely as you describe, but it is almost certainly a non-physical solution to general relativity; the Alcubierre metric doesn't violate the laws of physics, but creating it does.

@Robert Anhalt: And if you want to be rude, I think you're a little "stupid."

What Facebook desperately needs is a baked in scheme to differentiate friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances/networking contacts.

@Modus11: Insensitive... to who? The likelihood of anybody personally involved in this incident reading comments on a website like Kotaku is practically nil.

$10 for a 50 page notepad? If anybody I know buys one of these, I shall mock them for weeks on end.

@ghost25: Yes, as we all know, only research which has immediate application is worthwhile. That is the attitude that made America great.

Nice setup. Suggestions: