
Multiple things can intersect and be true at once if you consider the history at play here.

I could have made that clearer for folks who aren’t aware of how the Coast Guard operates (which is just about everyone reading the comment) but here’s the long form version of it that I didn’t want to write up.

I’m going to stick through it too, but setting my expectations very low for a satisfying ending. I was reading reviews from other publications as the ones here have been… lacking, and the pre-air season review from Paste said, “it feels as though the show ran out of time, resulting in a somewhat lukewarm finale that

Nah that’s all fair. I was excited about this show the first couple of episodes in and it’s seeming ties back to the first season, but it’s all largely wheel-spinning around mostly bad dialogue. I am intrigued enough that I’ll stick with it to see if they can actually wrap all this up in two episodes, but my hopes of

Agree with all the points. This is not True Detective, more like fan fiction from someone frustrated that the “supernatural” elements of the first season were never explained.

I don’t understand the discrepancy between the official critics and the people watching. Is it the benefit of the doubt because of HBO? Because of the name True Detective? Because of the all female team? I mean I want to give it the benefit of the doubt because of True Detective, but I can’t help agreeing with some of

I thought there were a lot of elements successfully planted in the opener; whether or not they’ll pay off remains to be seen. The openly supernatural aspect is on one level fine but on another a little jarring given how the show has previously handled the hints of it; they’re going to have to walk a fine line with how

This is, I think, a key bridge that the article could have mentioned - for a fair amount of it in the Western gaming audience, the F2P gaming sphere served as a primer for the shift.

Thank you.

I find Dark Souls 3 to be simultaneously intelligent in design but perfunctory in existence. I actually prefer it that way; solid criticism relies on the ability to sort through these contradictions to creating comprehensive commentary.

I referred to a couple guys as “hipsters” the other day and boy did they get upset. Apparently the politically correct term is “conjoined twins”.