
Aye I have to first claim that I agree - we do what we can, whether that’s be a vegetarian, eat as few fish as possible and not take planes or boycott artworks and entertainment when we find out they’re made by bigots.

Listening to your youtube clip I am hearing that she’s surrounding herself with some very old

My problem is that there’s a bit too much hypocrisy going on. It’s like the joke on the sitcom The Good Place - it’s impossible to be a good person in today’s (western) society, because anytime, somewhere in this system, someone (or something like nature) is being exploited to get the product to you as cheap as

It’s quite easy to say something is badly written. Please elaborate.

are people actually playing the card game? I have never seen anyone play the game. Whenever I walk into a board game cafe it’s either magic or yugi-oh.

I always say, in discussions like this, adaptations never benefit from conparing to the source material. Never. Even if theyre better. We should try to evaluate it on its own merits. The show is its own thing. It doesnt make sense to keep saying, “but the tess from the game is more this” or “the scene in the mausoleum

Cancel culture = culture of cancellation??

I understand why this opinion piece is written. TLOU is getting so many rave reviews that watching it and thinking “how is this any different than any other zombie show?” Is warranted. My girlfriend said the exact same thing. I havent played the first game and I could not answer her with any good reason. I bet the

There are way too few Sifu’s on this lists of you all.

1. Elden Ring. Such a grand experience, although it overstayed it’s welcome by the end by just a bit.
2. Sifu. Haven’t finished it yet, but everytime I go back to it, the simple act of playing just feels so good.
3. Rollerdrome. I suppose games like this is where

i am a freelance photographer, I get insulting offers all the time, but as long as there is someone willing to lowball, companies will just keep on offering them.

And industrial corridors set in night time!

Finishing off Godrick and Magrit with a succession of bloody slashes, I condone the nerf of bloody slash. Now I get to try and experiment with other ashes of war because otherwise i dont think it wouldve left my repertoire.

So I read this Nietschian take on ‘dataism’ - the replacement of religions by the tech elite, trickling down to society.

This metaverse is something that the tech elite *believes* is the future that anyone wants. The tech elite has shaped our real world with it’s social media, it’s likes, it’s lack of nuance in

I’m with you. I don’t understand the hype. Mining is boring. I don’t want to chop walls for minutes on end. And it’s either too easy or too hard. I’ve only played a few maps but couldn’t really be bothered to continue. I didn’t find the initial loop fun, but still I keep seeing fans posting online about how great it

Days Gone is fine. Ghost of Tushima is fine. You want guns and zombies you buy the 1st, you want swords and samurai you buy the second. I dont understand why the latter was praised so much more than the first, though. In this age, any big open world game feautes pretty much the same gameplay loop. I for one didnt

Interesting take. I see it as much as a comedy as a drama, therefore find growth a bit less important compared to True drama’s. I see the progress of the show more as the audience trying to peel off layers of an onion, to use a cliché, when it comes to the characters. Its not so much about the growth as ita about

I’m still confused. I read the book, as a European although I don’t know if that matters, and isn’t it an example of literature where a lawyer is going against the bigots? And having written in in the time when bigotry was casually celebrated more than now, does it not teach me how people were in that time, and does

I’m not sure I understand - because there is racism in a book it’s not okay to teach? Or because the book is racist? Or does racism in a book excuse racism, because whether it’s in a book or in real life, racism is racism, and it should not exist?

It’s gonna be another year of hard to find, so be glad you got one. Managed to got one from a guy who managed to get two and happy I did. Even though game wise there’s not much yet. Returnal is awesome tho.

It looks bonkers. I had a hard time trying not to watch it. I managed to quit after too many minutes watched.

No, he uses punchlines.