
Honestly, you should just be applying the balance each month to your bill. This is a compounded savings since when you use the credit you have saved up you don’t get any more savings from it. I have this same card and just apply the credit to the monthly bill and then I keep track of the savings by adding that amount

Honestly, you should just be applying the balance each month to your bill. This is a compounded savings since when

Makes me want to invite the folks behind that decision over to check out some other canceled show paraphernalia at my storage locker.

They seem to think 3 seasons is the magic number.  Long enough to hook people for a couple of days, not so long that it’s off putting.  See also: One Day at a Time, Daredevil, Jessica Jones...  we’ll see if Stranger Things ends with its third season. 

I really hope that show gets picked up elsewhere

I started listening to it from the beginning earlier this year and I’m 80-something episodes in, and while overall it’s enjoyable enough, sometimes they’re a *little* too impressed with their own cutesiness and forgo details to do the “You’re hilarious!” “No *you’re* hilarious!” thing that gets annoying at times.


Except this isn’t a land shark, this is a water shark caught eating a cute dog (barfing up a cute dog?).

(knock knock) Kittygram!

...For some reason I read this in the “Law and Order” intro narration voice...

Sphinx cats are MY FAVORITE

That look! I think your kitty might wait until you're asleep tonight and murder you.

Look at that proud kitty with the heads of their enemies! Good kitty!

Spooby booby boo, where are you? 

The patient on the visitor log is Wendy Lemur, the scene of them in the truck is exactly what Owen said would have been his fondest wish if he got the missing chapter, etc., etc. My daughter’s theory is that they are just still in the midst of their confrontation phase. There are some things that don’t really work

I was under the impression the ending everyone was still stuck in GRTA.

The Volvo Mantleroy THOUGHT was her car was also in the reflections. It was from the 80s Lemur Heist.

The blue Volvo was also from an earlier simulation.

I never thought Total Recall was nearly ambiguous as people sometimes say because we clearly get to see scenes in the Recall facility while Schwarzenegger is unconscious and he doesn’t know about. We’re not in his distorted perception during those scenes.

Yeah, I thought that actually came through pretty clearly. The flaming car made it kind of undeniable. That was his gangster car and wouldn’t have appeared in the simulation if it was just Dr. Fujita’s actual car since she wasn’t plugged into the simulation (and it would just be an odd car for her to have, regardless).

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