
I was under the impression the ending everyone was still stuck in GRTA.

I think the Mini works over Bluetooth as they JUST added Carplay this year so it’s all new and flashy. As for the wireless charging the pad to charge is in the arm rest when you open it, so it has like a little bar that extends and then holds your phone snug. 

2018 Mini Cooper here, i don’t need to be hardwired for Carplay. In fact, my car has wireless charging where I put it on a long trip so as not to drain the battery, otherwise it’s in my bag. 

I’m sure they will. they’re truly awesome to see. You get up closer then you would generally at any show, and they do all the big ones! I suggest their newsletter to keep up to date!

Check out if there are any NT Live showings near you. (they play a taped version from the London run) it’s an amazing way to see theatre you might normally not have access too! (I saw, among others, Angels in America and it was spectacular)

When I was in Russia (Volgograd) Summer of 2018, I had 23 mosquito bites on just my right calf. It looked like chicken pox all over any part of my body not covered by shorts/shirts.

Saw this at Sundance, it was so engaging and emotional. A woman nearby was SOBBING within I’d say 2.5 minutes.

I thought so too at first, but it’s pretty refreshing. lol

Happy V-Day from my little plucked chicken!

I could be wrong but I believe it got a fourth season but they said that would be it’s last per Rachel’s vision of the show.

I saw this at Sundance at 9AM (not the right time for this movie), but so happy I did, the whole theatre was a mess but we got through it together!

Here’s my cat ready to beat up whoever you need her to!

They take up approximately 87% of her body. That’s just science.

Thank you! if you want more distraction her insta is @hey.holliday. She’s a weirdo and provides so much entertainment, we definitely need it these days!

Here’s my very confused cat after her first Christmas gift.

Okay, this girl, definitely Iris/Barry’s kid right???

Harry Potter is actually one of the few properties not owned by Disney at this point hahah.

Highly recommend checking out the new movie ‘Breathe’, between that and this article I’m even more irate at the anti-vaxx community than usual

When she starts playing with my hair at 5AM I do find her quite evil. Her paws are HUGE, I’m nervous about how large she’s gonna get! I hope her insta keeps you entertained!