
Cut me, Lou!

I'm sorry if this is tedious, but I didn't think he killed Draper? I thought the bombers came in and just got them. I know lots of people think it was the open flame, but…?

See: Michael K of dListed. Joan and Salma Hayek's "chi chi balls" are just as much in his line of sight as "mah boo Anderson Cooper".

He looked like SUCH a sad little kid with his head down, sitting on that rock. It was an amazing performance.

Chew chew chew
I chew on you

See, I really liked it that someone to whom he had been so evil got to avenge herself and her sister/mothers so quickly.

Nooooooooo! but, probably yes.

WHY can't I upvote this a million billion times?!?!?!?!?

It didn't look like it based on his answer to Lysa when she asked if he remembered. He got that misty in-love look that said Catelyn, but he didn't seem stunned or anything about the fact that it was really Lysa.

I was more freaked out by that scene than the Brandor vs. Locke scene. Lysa scares me somethin' fierce. Even scarier was when she shushed and cuddled Sansa afterward. Hello, terrifying mommy-substitute emotional abuse.

At first I thought he was just shifting his eyes uneasily. Then I realized he was looking at the Door. But also: how fuckin' stupid can you be to say that when you KNOW you have a septon and two other dudes standing on the other side of the door?!?!?!??!?!

See, I think Nice Cersei is the very scariest Cersei. When Margaery mentioned calling her "sister" I thought she was gonna literally rip M's face off with her fingernails.

Or Tyrion.

I love you so much.

Oops. You're right. I read that more like, "That is going to cause more problems than it solves." To me Cersei always seems to care more about negative repercussions than not committing evil acts, so that colors how I interpret her words. Problematic, it seems.

Pretty much completely off-topic, but I couldn't figure out "LS" for a few seconds and just kept circling back to "Lyanna Stark". ;)

I completely agree that this depiction of rape (and rape in general) is horrible. But I'm surprised you say Cersei didn't want Bran pushed out the window. I got the exact opposite feeling from the books AND the show. I understood his perspective as: It'll be bad if we're found out, and Cersei is freaking out, so…