
This seems like the obvious or at least partial reason to me. It took me 10 minutes to figure out the settings I wanted

Counterpoint: Google+ was actually good

Part of the dropping engagement must be new people using it a lot for the first time, and then dropping down to normal levels once they've explored it. 

I mean, they do have private proving grounds. Those are an earlier step in testing. Like the difference between testing a new drug on white mice and then the human trials phase. These cars progressed to the “human trials” phase.

Sorry perfect your device in private? how TF is that supposed to work? When do you decide it is good enough? 

You’re not sticking this on someone’s car. You’re sticking this on The Man’s car. This petty, passive-aggressive and totally effective creative protest is so San Francisco I can hardly stand it.

i get it is annoying but theyre not going to get better without testing the complaint is that these cars oftentimes block traffic by refusing to move, so the solution is to cause them to refuse to move, thus blocking traffic?  Seems......sub-optimal.

“Company requires employees to show up to work” is not a hill I am willing to die on. If that's their business model, that's their business model. Now, the union busting, the conditions, the pay. Those are the things we should be talking about.

If the employees don’t like the terms of the job, they can quit.

If you weren’t hired as work from home, I’d say go find another job if you don’t like the (what seems like a reasonable compromise of a) hybrid schedule where you only have to commute Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

The fundamental difference between our positions seems to be that I have a bit of humility about what I may not know. Are all finance and tech jobs identical, with precisely the same reliance on “remote stakeholders”?

Correlation doesn’t equal causation. There are so many confounding variables involved in the Pandemic years that it’s actually pretty silly to presume WFH (or any other particular variable) had anything to do with any particular success or failure.

The market will sort out the reality of the situation.

The market will sort out the reality of the situation.

What kind of tax breaks have cities been offering to get people to come back into the office?  Genuinely curious if there has been something since COVID or if you mean initial breaks to get companies to relocate into town.

This makes sense from an employers standpoint 100%. Working from home does not create a sense of belonging to a company, as well as nobody can convince me more work gets done at home. Teams meetings as opposed to face to face are never as effective, no matter how many people want to argue to the contrary. We have

Isn’t it their prerogative?

lol okay boomer

No modern office has actual phones anymore, but rather all VOIP via a computer.