
This. The headline strikes me as the author being a bit oversensitive and overreacting with a claim that because fat people can’t use it, then it must be exclusively for runway models or something.

Oh sure. It’s definitely tighter than it needs to be, especially considering its target audience. And I’m certainly not trying to say you shouldn’t be able to have fun if you’re overweight. But the idea that a sub 40" waistline is “thin” is utterly absurd. As I said I’m a tall overweight guy and I’m not even close to

Bull fucking shit. Well unless you’re going to compare a skinny runner with cancer to an obese person without, but that has little to do with their relative weights. Your attitude is precisely the problem I’m talking about. People that want to pretend that the science isn’t there, even though we have loads of data on

Worth noting that not everyone sees things through an American lens. Yes, it makes sense to here given the context of the story at hand, but the internet is a global thing so people simply seeing tweets / an article act like 40" is anywhere near an average waist size are going to find it crazy if they exist in any

average ≠ healthy weight

Average is misleading here because almost all adults have a waist size 30 inches or greater and no adults have waists in the 0-20 inch range. The “average” higher than the most common sizes. Plus, the ride doesn’t need to be accommodating to all people, but only the majority of people that would attend an amusement

I was around a 40" waistline for a time, and I had tons of trouble even finding pants in my size in most stores that weren’t bottom-of-the-barrel cheap assembly line stuff. I don’t get these people acting like that’s a reasonable size expectation.

Yeah I’m 6'1" and hover around a 36" waistline and I’m still overweight (and working on it). Kinda insane <40" is being called “thin people”. I think the author of this article doesn’t want to admit that 40" is the average because the USA has an obesity issue.

Cracks me up some people want to paint a 40" waist as average. There’s a healthy middle ground between outright shaming people for being fat, and pretending being obese is healthy and desirable.

There is no ‘left’ in US politics these days. There is the center-right, which are the Democrats.

No... just far less corrupt by comparison. 

Most people are buying EV’s not out of the goodness in their hearts or out of concern for the environment. Right now most people are buying EV’s because they just got kicked in the head with $6 gas earlier this year. If we don’t subsidize trucks then they will look at smaller EV vehicles.

You’re half-right. The Republicans are corrupt but they are definitely not incompetent. They only seem incompetent when you take them at their word that they are working for the good of the country. But they’re corrupt, and that includes lying about their true motives.

>there has to be more than a few feed up and more moderate republicans.

I have been screaming it too, doesn’t look like anything will stop the nuclear arms race towards ever heavier and taller vehicles. I need something big so I can see over, roll over the other guy, the other guy’s rig is getting bigger, mine has to get bigger too.

Exactly what I was going to say. Phase out the subsidy at a certain weight.

Americans love their big ass trucks.

More realistic for the Dems to find a Republican they could support and do an end run around McCarthy.”

Man, we don’t even have a speaker of the House after two straight days of voting. It’s both comical and depressing.”

Carmakers: “Batteries are too expensive. We can’t do this!” Also Carmakers, “Check out the size of the battery in our Dodgforeverolet Behemoth, bro! Own the libs! Roll coal EV-sTyLe!!!!11!!1!!”

This is why the EV incentives are powerful. A couple small tweaks to the qualifications aimed at vehicle weight class, or