
VPNs are overrated for most people.

i’m sure those websites you won’t support by accepting ads are over the moon with your subscription / directly paid support! (not very many sites get free hosting; that $ has to come from somewhere)

Every restaurant should ban “influencers” they’ve become a virus. 

“Influencing” is both dumb and not a real job.

I would really love to see this whole “influencer” trend disappear and die, it can take all the assholes like this guy with it.

Sean evans. Doug Demuro. Simone Gertz. Felicia Day. 

Nick Lucid? Electro boom? Gutsick Gibbon? Nativlang? En los zapatos de Mónica? A tu cocina de mi rancho? A million others? Doichebags are the vocal minority. 

Literally thousands. You just don't hear about them in stories like this because they aren't douchebags. 

Is there a reason Kotaku seems openly hostile to GamePass?

This dearth of first-party releases has led some Game Pass subscribers to publicly point out how the service isn’t fully living up to its promise.

this reasoning applies to shit jobs only 

I really really want VR workspaces to work out. Instead of dedicating a full room of our condo, I could have big 40" screens, HDR windows to a beautiful lake and just need a corner with a small mouse/keyboard space.

I would think the public shaming is more relevant than the fining. I think he should certainly pay back what he has cost his community though. I agree that fining disproportionately affects the poor and that is a problem, but I’m also a fan of proportionate to income fines, etc. for a lot of things too.

Ah, yes, because a system where things are only really a punishment if you’re not a wealthy person is infinitely better.

Unplug the router and put the charger in a locked box. Problem solved. “But my kids have phones and can use cellular data instead!” Put the phones in the locked box with the charger.

You can always tell the Americans based on their opinion of how/why people should be incarcerated.

The whole town needs to Go the F*** to Sleep!

One more Fox News talking point, and you would have had bingo!

If you having a Facebook account is the root of all your problems then you’re living a pretty sweet life.