

Right, maybe, but that still doesn't mean it's not a douche-move. ;D

"creepy little shark eyes" <= LOL (like, really!)

Touché! (and precisely what I thought while watching!)

It's kind of like… they're animatronic, now. Like, unless the spotlight turns on (and it's time to shoot), they're just robots sitting around the table, waiting for the world to start (one moronic, gag-bit at a time).

I found the confessions in the second part reminiscent of past seasons, sure, but funny? I didn't laugh once. Obviously, I understand that humor is subjective. Just because I didn't laugh, doesn't mean it wasn't funny (or well written, in parts, I give it that), but… like you said. The free reign they have is

I didn't read the entire thread, so I'm sorry if I'm not understanding this 100%, but I feel like you're saying "ARG, CURE." If you are, I said it with you.

I've got no dog in this race, but if anything's ever deserved a ^, it's this!