We’re too close!...
Loosen up!
We’re too close!...
Loosen up!
I think Kimmel knows better than this, he was just caught up in the moment and is trying to rally support on the subject.
But I agree, those who shrug their shoulders as you described are terrible people.
Same here.
Also remember that 8 oz of Starbucks coffee is about 165mg of caffeine.
Read that first line and...
Holy run-on sentence, Batman.
Is anyone else having trouble finishing the install script? It seems to error out part of the way through for me and I never make it to the point of being asked my Amazon Developer account information.
Dude... leftovers.
My Planet Fitness has 45's, though I totally get your sentiment. I don’t think I’m the type of person they’re making any money off of anyway, haha. I get my workout in and I don’t participate in any of their free food days.
If you’re implying that I have a dislike of children using smartphones, that’s not the point I was trying to get across. I’m simply saying it’s not a necessity and I’m not going to spend an extra $30 a month or more on something my daughter doesn’t need as opposed to saving that money for college, new shoes, healthier…
My daughter (8 years old) asks now-and-then when she’ll get a phone, and even though her mom and I aren’t together, I’m glad we’re on the same page: she’ll get basic phone capable of calls and texts when she starts doing activities after school. Until then, she’s always either with me, with her mom, or at school on a…
This may sound like a wild over simplification, but the answer here is really simple: We need to learn how to work together. If blue states seceded, then there would simply be a split of ideologies somewhere down the line for that population as well. Keep doing this and then one day it becomes every-man-for-himself…
Agree with Yves below, you’ll probably get flak for the comment, but you’re so right. We need to teach people empathy and understanding, and then how to properly assess people for a job position (i.e. not looking at someone’s sex as a qualifier) and the pay gap issue will solve itself. Forcing rules on people isn’t…
Exactly. For example, I have some people in my office who are very good at getting their point across in very few words, and others who need to speak more to get it out. But neither party has points that are more or less valid than the other, they just have to explain themselves differently. According to this app,…
Totally get what you’re saying now and I agree 100%. Thanks!
Could you elaborate on this? Not at all trying to pick a fight. Just genuinely curious what exactly you mean. :)
Sounds like something along the lines of Flickr might be more up your alley. That’s what I use when I’m looking for actual photography. Haha.
I’m doing pretty well. My daughter’s birthday is February 13th, so that always keeps my mind off of Valentine’s Day, haha. Still browsing around on the dating sites and was texting someone but haven’t heard back recently. Not sure if she ghosted or just got busy (apparently her mom isn’t doing well) but I’ll see if…
From a friend, right?
Humans are animals. I mean, his usage is a bit odd, maybe, but they are human females and the “human” part is implied based on him being in a coffee shop and not at a zoo. How is referring to them that way “dehumanizing”? He didn’t say he was chasing skirts or looking for a piece of meat. If someone referred to me as…