
It’s gonna get me to to see this superhero flick.

Shit emojis on billbaords gets fanboys and fangirls to come to their superhero flick!

or you could use Blue mics and not make your office look like a kid’s playpen

These things look fantastic. I’m a current Mac user myself, but think MSFT has surpassed Apple with the Surface Pro compared to the iPad and has caught up in regard to the Surface Book compared to the Macbook Pro.

I love how tech bloggers live in a little bubble and think Macs are really a choice in the mainstream world. I hate to break it to you, but the world uses Windows computers. Macs are a niche market. The real choice consumers are going to make are between the Surface Book and other Windows laptops.

Win 10 is easily the best OS in a while from MS. All these people downing either never used it or spent 30 minutes with it. My PC boots quicker, runs much more efficiently (with Cortana off), and gaming has been flawless. 7 is getting old now. It’s still pretty damn great but it’s age is starting to show. I agree 8

I think you’re the first person on the internet to call this game weird and that it has bad writing. I wouldn’t be surprised you’re just saying that to stir up an argument or discussion.

I’ve been wanting exactly this phone for 5 years now. I hate landscape keyboards, but love physical ones. As long as the hardware is good and they don’t fuck up Android, I’m totally “Shut up and take my money”.

This looks promising.

Shock! Guess which company doesn't put stickers galore on its products?

They should just rename Windows: "Halo, the Operating System."