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    ugh, disagree. I think they've ruined Crowley as a character- he's like this wet noodle of a character now. There are 'bad' characters that do bad better and are more interesting, and 'good' characters that are more interesting and DEFINATELY do good better. So anytime he's there I'm like 'wow I wish __ character was

    dude, when Spock screamed 'Khan' I dropped my head in my hands in pure nerd humiliation. If it hadn't been so close to the end of the movie I probably would have bailed from the theater (and the only other movie I've ever left in the middle was 'Batman Forever', if that's any indication of the club it's in). I saw the

    'Can a bad finale ruin a whole series? The popular (and proper) answer to this is no. ' Two words for you: Battlestar Galactica. The finale was received so badly, and angered its fans so much, that they actually canceled the spinoff after realizing they'd just alienated their whole fanbase.