Yes!!!!! I also follow The Yorkshire Shepherdess.
Yes!!!!! I also follow The Yorkshire Shepherdess.
Double jealous. I don’t know how it happened, but I’m suddenly following all these shepherds on Twitter and now I just want to scamper around the Lake District with some lambs.
OMG That Dress is the only reason I want to know anything about fancy awards event dresses.
You’re moving there? So jealous!
I went on a tour of the vaults with my mom lo these many years ago. We were pre-hungover (i.e. still happily tipsy) so we were probably insensible to anything creepy (the tour was not strictly of the vaults but included a few locations around Old Town, at one of which we were regaled with a story about a judge’s…
OMG I'm so sorry. Hugging my kitty now.
That is wild, let me echo everyone else saying thank you for answering questions. So intriguing.
It’s this week’s Mixed Eggs Guy.
I am too but it will make me feel better from now on to think of it in terms of my usefulness in rap battles ;$
Yup. I'm totally an angry/frustrated cryer, which just makes me more angry/frustrated. I feel your pain.
You pretty much just described my life until about age 12. Nerd solidarity hug and I’m so sorry we had to go through that.
I’m also from the northeast and never heard it until I moved to Georgia, so I assumed it was a southern thing, but who knows. I stand by my point of it being creepily nonspecific when used as in the bit I quoted!
At least she didn’t bring a knife to a gun fight?
Now, the story goes that Bullet was talking to two girls at once, and the one girl found out and talked to her two friends, as one does in times of distress.
WOW. a Can you turn this into a book and maybe in the meantime explain how people can be so terrible?
Damn if having a million of those stashed every where (all my handbags, backseat of the car, next to the bed, etc) isn’t the best idea ever (I have a five year old).
The Royal Baby will be wearing its crown
Uh excuse me it is pronounced “Abraham”, the J, Xes, O, and N are silent.
My mistake, anyway her name is really Kayleigh Braylee Hayden Caiden Jaden.