Jenny Sais Quois

Yep. The huz and I have told his family many times (though not in letter form, hmm) that we don’t want cheap plastic stuff (we have a really small house, small yard, and small budget plus I guess we are kind of snooty about good quality stuff that lasts, fine) but it always appears every Christmas. I would never TELL

Yeah, I don’t disagree with you. I got the impression that this letter was just to close family members, not like demanding gifts from everyone they’ve ever met, so I give the parents a little more leeway. I’m a librarian so I was definitely NOOOOO WHY when the letter said no books! Books are my favorite kid gift!

I give my side of the family a link to an Amazon wishlist of a dozen or so things every time my kid’s birthday or Chanukah rolls around. They live far away and like to send lots of presents and are the rare thoughtful family members that make a point of getting things the kid actually wants/are age appropriate, and

Would you rather have paid for childcare? We compared the cost of childcare vs the mister continuing to work (with travel/clothing/etc costs factored into that) and it was less expensive for him to stay home. Also, at the time my kid was born I'd been earning money and paying taxes for literally half my life. I'd

I was on WIC when I was pregnant and when my daughter was young, so maybe all of 2009 and a bit of 2010. I live in an area that already has a rather less-than-vibrant economy, but it was still a shocker to find out that despite having an advanced degree, and a professional job that required that degree, I still

Yeah I was expecting that comment to go a much different direction (still love the way it did go).

The best part of my marriage is having someone to send links about 18th century dildos (or vintage erotica or whatever).

My great grandfather used to actually do this. Take the horse and wagon to the bar, have his friends dump his drunk ass in the wagon and untie the horse, who knew the way home as horses often do. This is the only thing I know about my great grandfather.


Yeah! The way you’ve written them down with like, stage directions and all is just fabulous and I could read them all day.

Please please please write ALL of these stories down.

It’s cool, I know way too much about Yo Gabba Gabba, but am clearly under informed about Sesame Street ;)

I always just thought he was a Non-specific Bird? I mean do we need to know the taxonomy of every Sesame Street creature? Like, WTF is Snuffleuppagus then, a wooly mammoth that survived to the modern day?

Yeah, the sleep-interrupting was a million times worse than the poo. Plus I mean (oh god I’m going to get pilloried for comparing pets to babies) if you’ve ever had a pet you had to clean up after? Cleaning my cat’s litterbox is way worse than changing a diaper IMO.

Pediatrician at two year checkup: Are you a boy or a girl?

I've read most of the books (have not seen all the episodes of the show yet) and I had a similar FUCK'S SAKE DON'T RUN OFF WITHOUT TELLING SOMEONE AGAIN feeling. I think part of it is (and I think Claire actually internal-monologues something to this effect in the book, not sure about the show) that up til getting

Do you then when you get there and see everyone else wearing the same "Goth at a beach" see through black lacy thing with a big floppy black hat, you think "OH NO SOMEONE WEARING THE SAME SEE THROUGH BLACK LACY THING" or do you think "THANK GOD".

Thank you! Moderately greasy skin here, but I'm in a very hot/humid area so I feel soggy six or seven months out of the year. I'll have to hunt out the Becca stuff online, I assume, but will definitely be trying both of these.

Same here (although I'm more late eighties/early nineties).

Oh hell yes. Oh totally. I grew up in the late eighties/early nineties so I know whereof I speak re:embarrassing fashions of one's youth ;)