Jenny Sais Quois

Thanks, I was all confused like "I swear I read this two weeks ago". I remember the sad organs now. Made me remember this skeleton I saw at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia that was basically this:

Exactly, I saw these pictures and thought "Who cares if it's a corset or Photoshop or whatever, her waist doesn't need to be that unnaturally tiny".

Yeah, I didn't look at the pub date before I downloaded it but I could definitely tell it wasn't recent. Thanks for the rec!

YES x1000000000000000000000000000000000000. I love both of those so much. I also think that Kleypas's Hathaway series would be a good choice - there's a fair bit of action and the heroes are not stereotypical "Oh, another duke" heroes (two of them are Romany and one is a veteran with flashbacks).

I'm reading Katherine right now! Really enjoying it. I was afraid starting out that it might be a little old-school heaving bosoms but the historical side of it is really enjoyable for someone who stops reading books with glaring historical inaccuracy. Have you read anything else of Seton's that you'd recommend?

All the romance authors mentioned by Kelly and commenters above feature female leads who are well-developed and act decisively and independently. You may be thinking of more questionable romances of decades past, but the fainting maiden ravished by the borderline-abusive alpha male hasn't been the norm in genre

If I could go watch it with the sound off and just ogle Jamie Dornan...?

Sure - in science fiction, stuff blows up and manly men get to shoot aliens while driving fast space ships. Obviously that's a gross simplification but I think it's pretty generally accepted that films that will attract a younger male audience are seen as more bankable.

I think Courtney Milan's work could be really successful on screen because, as I constantly hear about Outlander also being historical/science fiction, they're not JUST romance. The plot lines about women scientists, women's suffrage, worker's rights, etc. are what make her books as strong as they are.

YES YES YES. I think a lot of these romance series would work so well as tv miniseries because of the endlessly interlocking stories, and the Bridgertons/Smith-Smythes are a perfect example. Infinite material for an ongoing series, and plenty of intrigue and action (kidnappings galore if I'm remembering some of the

Agree 100%. "Happy Birthday, you smell! Here's a hygienic product!"

Freaking looooooove Eloquii. They're one of the few plus size clothing makers I've found that don't do "Same as the smaller sizes, but bigger" or "Just make it really tent-like, with cheap stretchy jersey". The fact that they have sales pretty often is a good thing, too. The original prices are about on target for

You are my new role model for having a Roman Holiday wedding. Please tell me you smashed a guitar on someone's head.

Holy shit, I bow down to your ability to walk in these.

These are too awesome.


I wore blue and white seersucker flats, because I got married in the South and I have hard-to-fit feet and a small budget.

How do the ones in the instagram post even stay up? At least clown pants have suspenders.

We'll miss you liked a waxed Burt Reynolds would miss his chest hair! Best wishes for Cosmo - looking forward to 50 Ways to Do Hiddles With A Scrunchie.

You win for today.