you are shaming Milo, the VICTIM of pedophilia, and calling him a pedophile.
you are shaming Milo, the VICTIM of pedophilia, and calling him a pedophile.
Hitchens was willing to debate in good faith because those who disagreed with his views on Islam were actually willing to debate as well.
BIll Maher isn’t a racist, he’s just a hardcore atheist. He feels the same way about Muslims as he does about Christians and Jews. Stop being selective about how you treat religions. I’m sure you don’t hold Islam to the same standards that you Hold Christianity or Judaism. In fact I’m positive.
No, he wasn’t greeted by protests. He was greeted by people rioting—starting fires, breaking things. It was embarrassing, even if you didn’t personally want to hear the guy speak. And that’s the point Maher was trying to make—you can’t be the side of tolerance if you’re going to react to viewpoints you don’t like by…
Because if it was terrorism there’s a 99% chance it was a Muslim.