
He's my favorite character and the one I would most likely be friends with.

How did you find out that is her husband? He's quite lucky.

Greg is definitely a better match for her intellectually. Josh is kinda dim.

I also loved they deqlt with the incontinence that arises from said infection. Maybe the most embarrassing side effect. At least she didn't wet the bed like I did with my first BF and first UTI. I wish I had thought of the whole capacious angle.

He's so much sexier than Josh IMO

Where else in TV will you find educational information about UTIs, baking, and mating rituals? Even without the musical numbers, this show stands out as wholly original.

She's adamantly refuted that by saying if it was him, he would be honest about; kind of implying that the real father wants to keep it secret.

Bobby Cannavale was perfect, though.

Whenever the charter school storyline came up, I couldn't help but think that David should have never quit.

It's interesting that Ray has quietly become the most empathetic and nurturing character in the show.

I saw that too, but I would not have picked up on that without the commentary. It's clear they're not right for each other but her behavior came off as less mature than when she was with Adam. I assumed they were trying to make the point that she isn't ready for a stable and mature relationship. The only anger he's

It snuck up on me, but it occurs to me that this is one of the most flawless seasons of TV I've seen. Of course, in this golden age of quality television, that is saying a lot. My only concern was the casting of Cuba as OJ, but it made complete sense to me in the final moments of the finale. It's funny because I

I'm still watching, mostly because I'm amazed by Romano's performance.

The first thing I thought of was your theory about weight loss and Turkey neck. I believe that's the motivating factor.

80s era Dolly Parton is still my favorite.

It's almost as bad as when she broke character and apologized to Louis CK for stepping on a line.

Because he writes almost all of the episodes.

How are you affiliated with the show?

Kevin Hart Inc has been very busy in the last 48hrs.