
Wow, I guess I did and I'm a huge Muppets fan. I think we got to see a little Russian dong at the end there.

Certainly the reviews here at the AV.

Of course this is hearsay, but I read on a pretty reputable blind items site that Megan Fox was brought in to put the kibosh on Zooey's ego.

He had a very uncharacteristic role in the first season of Enlightened. He was pretty good.

He used his pocket hot dogs to curb his hunger.

Gah - So much vitriol for a remake. Would people be this upset if Ackroyd's wet dream had been successful years ago?

It works when applied to politics.

FYI. The scientist quote is very similar to a line from Ernie Hudson's character that was spoken while the OG's were in jail.

Of all the people who were 'yelling' on RT, I don't think he should be called out for it.

Mark Ruffalo is a true patriot, progressive activist.

Congratulations, you've successfully described the raison d'etre of capitalism. Establish a threat and then explain away the loss of industry. The situations described occur in Uber 'sanctioned' exchanges as well. The only difference is that the drivers are in the white majority and are beholden to various credit

"This is the end". direct quote from Leo

I live in SF and I've used cabs for about 20yrs. I cannot understand why people choose to use UBER or Lyft over cab companies in cities with a taxi infrastructure. In smaller cities with a larger area, they can make sense, but there is no reason for Lyft and Uber to put cab drivers out of business. The cabbies

I don't get the love for it at all. Maybe because I didn't see it in the theaters with the full IMAX experience. It's just a long chase scene. However, I would gladly support it's win over another Innaritu award. Winning best picture/director three years in a row is not something he serves.

What a bitchy, thankless role that was for her. It was so weird seeing her like that.

I agree with your points. I think Damon does deserve some credit for his acting, however. He made the character compelling even though he was acting by himself and talking into the camera.

Surprise pregnancies while never saying the A word.

I think this novel suffers from the nostalgic feeling one gets when they remember reading it. Much like Catcher In the Rye or On The Road.

Interesting. I haven't read this FYC, but I came here to say Great Gatsby. Seems like I'm not the only one. I'll read it now.

Veronica Cartwright is the true star of this film.