
You're probably right. I just cannot abide judgment of the Driver. Its the only thing I truly enjoyed in any SW film. I'm not really a sci-fi kinda gal, obvs.

Uh, bigger cocks and wallets? Amirite?

He may not be as attractive as the original cast, buy he can out-act all of them. Also it's Rey.

Adam Driver is a goddamn national treasure!
So is Oscar Isaac and Domnhall Gleeson. Among the many talents that Abrams has over Lucas -The ability to discern good acting from posturing. And before an imaginary commenter responds— Harrison Ford sleep walked thru the first three according to him. The best acting he did

Right? Why can't she have the baby with her in Montauk? How many fucking people does it take to run a tiny little restaurant that's been open for years?

To be fair, Alison's actions were from Noah's perspective and not shown in her perspective.

I was going to post the same exact thing. It must be somewhat intentional.

How does the detective fit in to all of this? Does he also suspect Alison? He seemed to have softened to Noah in the beginning of the season.

Or he could have told his lawyer at least. He seems equipped enough to handle the truth, and I'm sure he would prefer not being kept in the dark.

^ x 10

Certainly with less jazz hands.

Right! She weren't no singer neither.

Very true. This reminded me that I read someone is producing a more 'mordern' read: 'Urban' Broadway revival.

I'm surprised it took this long for AV Club to post about this. It happened early this morning, right?

You mean like…West Side Story?

This was so entertaining, and as a die hard Sanders supporter, I was grateful to KM for getting his message out to the black community. Sanders began his political career as a civil rights activist, and is the best (IMHO) candidate for voters who are African American. You tell those 1%ers to Run The Jewels, Bernie!

Yeah, I struggle with that definition too.

Interestingly, it is nominated for best Sci-Fi/Horror film, which I think it will definitely win.

That's my point. It's silly to 'violently' disagree with someone's political (or in this case narrative) POV. If it has no bearing on reality, than why get so upset by it. NOBODY bases their political beliefs on a cartoon.

I completely agree, but I've decided to myself that it's purposeful. Otherwise, I would have to quit watching because…..ick.