
If you're 'violently' disagreeing with anything on South Park, then they've done their job.Trey is not a politician, he's an agitator. And a pretty good one apparently.

And then she'd kill someone with her car. I appreciate that they make fun of Caitlyn because I don't think she's a good model for Trans community. I know people who transitioned 15 plus years ago. That took (metaphorical) balls. They had to fight for everything without the financial resources for plastic surgery

It's about time! I was think there's enough material here to do a whole miniseries on HBO.

No mention of The First Edtion's song; 'Just dropped in…"? That and the long scene with Simone and Bear are probably the two most obvious Coen Bros. references.

So how long have you worked in the writer's room for this show? I'm earnestly impressed by your manipulative observations that conveniently paint Noah as the villain to justify the hoariness of the plot. In fact, this reads like a passage from his hoary and undeserving novel. Kudos! BTW, I didn't like this ep at

Oh, that's so cute.

Uh, wtf? No one seems hung up on the utter ridiculousness of trying to hold up a fucking sherrifs station. What was Bear's exit strategy? How do the think they can just wallk away from that? If the feds and or state doesn't arrest them all after that, then I call bullshit on this whole season. Like Lou said, this

"A lot of the talk seems to be centered on bringing potential new voices to the series, which is curently written solely by its creator. " — That's essential. Also, they should return to having one director for all the episodes. I think it's pretty obvious that Fukunaga had as much, if not more, to do with the

I'm not suggesting that. I'm just saying he's doing a lot of projects that aren't high caliber.

His last film tanked, and I thought St Vincent was a POS, frankly.

Maybe I'm not using my words carefully enough. I feel that he's reached a 'saturation point' maybe? He used to be a little more picky about his projects, now it seems he's going the DeNiro route.

Right? Which basically has the same plot line of putting on a live Xmas show.

This will be the tipping point for many when it comes to current Murray. His recent films have sucked, and this looks like an (unfunny) SNL parody. It makes me very sad.

Ok. I have to disagree with your point about Scotty's anger. He's a coke head who seems singularly focused on bringing the Lockharts to their former 'glory'.

I feel stupid for missing this molestation issue? Did Virgil abuse John?

"penance for having sexually abused John as a child" — What?! When did that get revealed? I missed that one.

I think the ambiguity is essential in Barton Fink (one of my all time faves), and that's one of the points the movie is trying to make. Basically people's perspective of what is appealing or not makes true criticism almost irrelevant. That's not necessarily my opinion, but I think it's the Coen Bros' opinion. They

I'm confused, when did Allison have sex with Scotty? I remember her having sex with Oscar.

One thing that rings true in both perspectives is that Noah is a shit writer. It's interesting they name-drop Roth, because Noah reads like a derivative version of later (terrible) Roth.

I agree completely. It's starting to feel more and more like a typical Showtime series. Overwrought in all the wrong ways, and dialogue right out of a Shonda Rhimes soap.