
That offends me as a comedian.

Then I find it kind of upsetting that her script is being re-written and another actress is going to be the lead.

Um, those Chastity Belt girls are wearing mom jeans with peg legs and scrunchies
Where in the shit are they getting that stuff. I totally understand how I infuriated middle aged people when I use to wear bad 70s clothes as a teenager.

I'd say Zelig was his best entry into this medium.

Maybe married to Parker Posey's character.

Isn't Linklater doing a 'spiritual successor' to D & C?

I guess she played the Bette Midler character in the TV version of Down and Out.

I adore Bette as a performer, but WTF? This movie is markedly better than most of her other films - 2 of which she produced herself.

Those are some pretty disparate examples of films.

Right? A dick who can't suss out a joke apparently. Yeesh.

Yep, there's definitely a spin-off in there somewhere.

OH, I totally forgot about Warren the Ape. That was genius.

1987? No one in charge of programming remembers the 80s.

Who's still alive at the end?

More Bird Bones! If she's going to be referenced so many times, then her screen presence NEEDS to be increased. Otherwise she becomes this type of archetype that is too easily demonized. I say this with love though because I adore this show, and I think it's a great showcase for actresses where 'characters are




Oopsie, I should have read further down the comment thread.

'Blame it on Bourdain' This is funny because Cooper played the Bourdain character in the TV adaptation of Kitchen Confidential.