
For some reason my first reply didn't post. I said that you're conflating the debate over abortion rights and whether the state run ACA health plans should allow abortion to be covered. And even then there were only three dems who voted against that. Despite the Fox News babble there has never been a majority opinion

Yeah I've read his diatribes from before.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. But yes, yes we do. They usually appear on the comment threads for articles like this or articles written about the female perspective.

You are conflating the issue of 'abortion rights' with the approval of having abortions paid for under state run programs using the ACA. While those votes from the dems are despicable IMO, they are not the same as voting against the right to choose.

Wrong. So wrong. And if you even think you're right, the burden of proof is on you.

Sure, it is very hard to be Jewish in the entertainment industry.

And cue the over active MRA blowhards on this site. Especially look out for those rascly comments from Insignificant Other. Let me guess IO, you're recently divorced and paying child support?

What's up with Marry Me?

He's so good at it though, that I think it makes the show watchable. I enjoyed the live episode on Tuesday. I'm positive that I'm in the minority with this opinion though.

I've seen the film, but I had forgotten most of the details. They pretty much matched all the plot points including the eye glass tests, and the type of angry jurors (Jack Warden was the juror who had baseball tickets, and DiPaolo was the lone last angry juror who was forced to admit his prejudice. Also, the bit

That might be a more articulate way to describe it, but I think forcing oneself to 'surrender' to any thing, let alone something intangible, is not conducive for recovery. That's just my IMHO, of course.

I like Undateable; probably more than I should. The actors all have good chemistry, and it' s fun (nay refreshing) to watch a TV show that solely wants to be entertaining without all that messy stuff like character development and intricate plot lines. Plus I could watch Ron Funches sit and giggle for a solid hour.

Yes really. Please note all of the comments regarding Ironic, the use of DIY considering she SOMEHOW managed to get a record deal and had the absolute gall to have an established writer as a cohort, and the general opinion that she was a whiny little brat who practically ruined alt music in the 90s.
EDIT: I think you

Thank you for introducing me to Richard Cheese. I'm certainly 'behind the times' with regards to his work, but I'm listening to his stuff now and it' s fucking awesome. I like his rendition of 'Personal Jesus'.

Even though this article is lengthy and clearly thought out, there's no doubt in my mind that the AV Club 'powers that be' knew this would be click-baiting.
Ironic promotes derision based on the absolute misuse of the word. (Also, comparing it to any Nirvana song is misguided at best).

Isn't the wolf dead?

I feel the exact same way. He is so integral to the feeling of the show, and I don't think there's anyone who uses music the way he does. I don't know much about Kid Kudi, but I know he's not nearly as irreverent as Reggie.

During the show, I remembered that she's coming to the Bay Area on June 14th. And she's promoting a new album. So great advertising for her.

True, and 'say hello to your mother for me'.