
And given her more more general skills (most of the SCP staff only have experience in advertising) she could probably find a better job.

I completely missed the explanation in 'Waterloo'. I thought she was taking a huge hit, and it really upset me. Money isn't everything, but she certainly made the most sacrifices for her 'partnership'.

How did Joan's 1mil turn into .5mil before being reduced to 250K? Edit: it was explained further down the comment thread buy AlwaysOptimistic.

Hasn't there already been a film character with the same situation? Like Mark Wahlberg's character in The Other Guys?

I hope Ms Lupone shows up in the next ep.

I haven't read the books, hence the reason I'm on this page and not the 'experts' one. I'm not sure I share all of your feelings about how gay characters are portrayed on the show, but I can see your point.
What I do agree with is a dissonance between what we've seen of the High Sparrow and the actions taken by his

Ha' manogamy'! That's a hilarious misnomer.

Chuck, you're such a dirty bastard.

Sex of their lives? I feel really sorry for them if that's true. If she was using a dildo, then just shoving it in there without so much as a 'nice to see you, brown eye' he would not have enjoyed it. Especially if it was his first time. Also, they were both wearing layers of clothes.

Man, I was right with you until 'real men hit women in their dreams all the time'. Um, what?

Maybe Brandon had a lot on his plate last night, because this is a rather perfunctory review for an episode with a A- grade. Also, it was a rather perfunctory episode in my opinion.
EDIT: Are we to assume that she was using a dildo?

I think the Ayn Rand and The Incredibles comparison is a bit of a stretch, but it has surely ruined the film for me now. It's hard to remove Rand stank.

I've always suspected that you were from Gen Ex, or at least somewhat more aged than most of the commenters on this site. Nice to know that there is another AV Club member who remembers the 70s from more than Saturday morning cartoons and commercials.

It can always be two things.

I'm with him, Toby is a suck-all name.

Oh yeah. Def looking forward to that one.

I get it, then the first person that comes to my mind IS Colbert (as his persona). Maybe Tom Robbins as a novelist (although my appreciation of him has diminished as I age) or maybe Charlie Kauffman and/or PTA? But I think he truly exists as an unparalleled writer.

I'll check that out for sure.

But what do you dream of?

I think the Vonnegut of the day would have to be a writer of fiction or screenplays at least. But good question.