
You're not my supervisor!

I'm not sure that was their Emmy gold period. The show only really got awards during it's first couple of seasons. Largely to to James Burrows' directing I believe.

I stand corrected. I completely forgot about that.

It's telling that no one has previously referenced ERL, given the show's ratings at the time, and the endless Emmy nods.

Until I read this article, I forgot that Mimi Kennedy was on that show too.

True, but it was such a perfect vehicle for him and a nice way to immortalize a great actor. Also, remember when Andy Dick could pull himself together?

Loved both of those shows. I wish they were on Hulu or Netflix.

I'm surprised at how poorly W&G has aged.

Agree, I completely forgot that he produced Cybil. I guess I remember it more as an Alan Ball creation. It made Cybil Shepherd surprisingly palatable, and was a wonderful vehicle for Christine Baranski.


I can see your point. But one of the elements I like about how they deal with recovery is that the characters don't really 'hate-reminisce'. I remember many occasions where Bonnie and Christie lament how easy it would be to deal with their situations if they could just go back to using.

I think the show indicates how murky that system is. It's a very pervasive recovery program, and even people I know who struggle with addiction and don't believe in God attend AA, NA, SAA.

'With all the (justified) attention being paid these days to series like Broad City andInside Amy Schumer and how they’re redefining the images of women on television, it’s disappointing that so few cultural critics are engaging with Mom' Um, ok. Maybe AV Club can start regular coverage of this show.

I think the WMD excuse to go to war was a little bit worse.

Uninspired? I'm not excited for this film at all, but I can't wait to see McKinnon in a movie.

I'm very weary of this movie. I reluctantly watched Tammy with my sister this weekend, and it was truly pathetic. It made McKay/Ferrell movies look streamlined and efficient. I can not understand how they convinced Sarandon to don a terrible grey wig and pretend to be McCarthy's GRANDmother. Especially considering

No that's the joke I was attempting to make.

I really enjoyed this article, and the writer has a unique perspective, given her other skills. I think she should write more frequently.

I think those rumors were corroborated by pap shots.

This is such an irrelevant part of our nation's history. I mean….do women even have pubic hair anymore?