
'Maybe you didn't contact Geico because…..'

I think it's time for men to stop portraying women on film and video. It bothers me in a sketch show, but this is borderline distasteful. I'm sure that this comment will incite some readers, but I think it's similar (but not exactly) like a white person portraying a person of color. It's outmoded.

Agreed. I do really like Schall and Mirman. I can understand if people find them slightly annoyed.

I'm also an avowed fan. But as an actor, its cool to see him squirm. TJ is a skilled comedian and its nice to see him be able to tap into something other than obnoxious oblivion.

I'm personally preparing myself for a very ambiguous and unresolved ending. I hope I'm wrong.

As most things do in the City of Angels.

I don't think that will ever happen. The best part of their friendship and alliance, is that there are no romantic or emotional expectations.

The best relationship one this show, hands down. They have something truly unique, especially considering the time period. True friends and allies are hard to find.

That's what I'm talking about, Mad Men! Best ep of this second-half season yet. I was genuinely moved by Pete's appreciation of Trudy (yay, we checked in with her).
Is it me, or does Stan's hair and beard grow significantly with every episode? I realize now that he is probably my favorite character. Or maybe it's

I seem to remember that now. I'm sure AL: Vampire Hunter is considered historical fiction by some young Americans. Kids these days, amirite?

This is great advertising for the Coca-Cola company. Also, I cant remember what the
'new coke' tasted like.

That's really being discussed?? I'm afraid to do my own investigation.

Have there been any Harriet Tubman movies before?

I laughed because I did the exact same thing in a choir rehearsal.

Linda has obviously instilled in Gene her love for the 'gross'. This is not the first time she's forced Bob into her armpits for fun.
Also, I continue to love how the children use pop culture references they couldn't know anything about. Laverne and Shirley isn't on Netflix, and hasn't been in syndication for

There are many other reasons to avoid that 'novel'. If someone recommends it to you, then you should think of it a litmus test to avoid all hyperbolic douchebags.

"Young misses whut frowns an' pushes out dey chins an' says 'Ah will' an' 'Ah woan' mos' gener'ly doan ketch husbands"

"Raising a child is like taking care of someone who's on way too many shrooms, while you yourself are on a moderate amount of shrooms. I am not confident in my decisions, but I know you should not be eating a mousepad."

And the city of Seattle is death trap.

I'm not aware of that, but I hope it's true. That's too funny. Also, Shammy is a pretty good nickname too.