I think you made your points with more nuance than TWF did. He's one of the worst 'click baitin' writers out there. He left an indelible mark on AV with that shtick.
I think you made your points with more nuance than TWF did. He's one of the worst 'click baitin' writers out there. He left an indelible mark on AV with that shtick.
1. I'm not outraged. Definitely not as much as you seem to be my comment. 2. My comments online are not 'fake' as they exist in 0s and 1s for all time. 3. Are you black? Because if you are, you seem to be denigrating yourself with the 'serving you at a restaurant' comment. Why couldn't I know a black person who…
Well, I didn't watch Breaking Bad. I lived in Albuquerque for many years, and it too close to home for me.
Don't mess around, don't bring me down.
Holy shit snacks. What's funny is that it seems to be mocking Williams' stand up style. 'Oh my, please stop hovering and sit down! Amazing, it’s Woodstock with wings! (in a child’s voice) I don’t think I’m in Kansas anymore! (as John Wayne) Well, Pilgrims, as the frontier gynecologist said to the pretty lady, “You…
Wha? I have to read/see that. What did he write it for?
You sound way more upset and self righteous than any person complaining about Noah's tweets. You seem to have a lot of shit to fling yourself.
It seems to me that FX doesn't make their programming decisions on ratings alone. I mean, they're owned by Fox. So there's revenue coming in from elsewhere. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if FX (FXX) decides to take a cue from HBO and provide their own platform. FX is the only other cable channel I watch other than…
More Yaz references, please.
When did Charlie Watts turn into Robert Durst? He might want to rethink his styling choices now.
1 out of 100? How many Jewish people do you know?
I think his Jewish jokes are much more of an issue.
Also, this is why I'm glad TVW doesn't work for the AV Club anymore. There are spoilers in his article, BTW.
This is the most thought provoking and insightful writing about Bloodline that I have read. I agree with you on every point, and I really appreciate the connections you've made with Southern-Gothic genre (Faulkner).
There are also many parallels to well known plays, including O'Neil.
Oh, god. I won't be able to think of anything else for the next couple of hours.
I am an ex-Hoosier, born and bred. I fled the state in 97 to move to SF, and I'm never looked back. Here' something else to be infuriated about. http://rhrealitycheck.org/a…
Nina sang a lot of songs written and performed by men. She always made them sound and feel better. Right now, I'm listening to her cover of 'Just Like a Woman'.
Maybe he'll vape.
I wouldn't put much stock in Star, even though the pics are hilarious. I think there's more concrete evidence of Miscaviage and Cruise being in a relationship. Cruise took him on his honeymoon with Katie.
Right, and I'm not sure why she feels that Marco is a better choice than the other guy. Marco himself has alluded to the demise of their relationship. The other guy isn't married, and seems to be hanging around town for whatever reason.