
That’s because it is anti-Semitism. I think people don’t quite understand what Zionism truly means. Zionism is merely the belief that the Jewish people, the most persecuted people on earth over the last few thousand years, deserve a home of their own. That’s it. So I think people who call themselves anti-Zionists

BOOM! The puppy provides the citation! Methinks potterpoet wasn’t expecting that. Good times.

Nope. Palestinians, other Arabs, and Jews live together in Israel proper, and far more peacefully and harmoniously than you think. And it’s important to note that the South African apartheid government excluded blacks, while the Israeli government includes Palestinian members.

My big issue with Sarsour is that she supports the BDS movement when it’s a movement that is hurting Palestinians far more than Israelis. I’m wondering when she’s going to wake up to this fact.

Calling Israel an apartheid state is insulting to those who lived through the apartheid in South Africa.