I mean, my god.
I mean, my god.
And that’s exactly why things like what RR is doing is so important.
I’m so sorry for your losses. I am glad you are taking these proactive measures though. Fingers crossed that all goes well.
I agree with you. My beef is with Jezebel snarking on him. I think it’s fantastic that he’s doing this. As I mentioned, my husband is a colon cancer survivor.
Of course he gives zero shits. But making fun of this furthers the stigma of colonoscopies.
I know it’s Jezebel’s thing to be all edgy and whatnot, but Ryan Reynolds should be applauded for streaming his colonoscopy, not made fun of. Younger people are being diagnosed with colon cancer at alarming rates (my husband was 34 - he’s thankfully cancer free now) and anything that encourages people to get their…
Still, I feel like they are trying to scare people into thinking that doctors do this for 6-year-olds.
I may be wrong, but isn’t it against the law for anyone under 18 to receive gender affirming medical care other than puberty blockers (which plenty of cis kids take too and is entirely reversible)? I mean, I know the answer to this, but why do these assholes continue to perpetuate lies to further their agenda?
I just had BeauJo’s a couple of weeks ago. I grew up in Denver, but I live elsewhere now. Some of my fondest childhood memories are stopping at BeauJo’s in Idaho Springs on the way home from skiing. My dad and I would go almost every weekend. So it was so much fun to go there again.
Oh, for sure!
GFY always has respectful takes and manages to do so in an entertaining way. Take note, Jez.
The death for season 3 isn’t a building murder.
Came here to say that. I actually saw him tell this joke in person!
And here in MO, just in time for the Midterms, there are new laws on the books curbing voting rights. These include, but are not limited to, having to present a state issued ID and not allowing anyone to be paid to hold voter registration drives. This includes staff at voting rights orgs, not just paying people to do…
Stares in Establishment Clause.
I’m kind of laughing at the snark aimed toward Wills and Kate while fawning over the Westminster Dog Show. The AKC continues to help maintain and grow the puppy mill industry (they regularly lobby against state laws regulating puppy mills and lends misleading credentials to many indiscriminate breeders). No fault of…
This is a fantastic thread by a Rabbi who further explains the Jewish viewpoint on abortion rights and access:
And it’s used to treat debilitating symptoms of crohns and colitis, so a little different than wanting to stay young.
The NRA is a terrorist organization.
Me too. It was great!