
I’m so sorry, Brit, but it’s too late. There is no walking that back.

you had me until “limousine liberals”, and also from my own experience growing up poor in a home of hoarders. So my life experience is the exact opposite of yours, but I don’t blame any of the misunderstanding on some political 1 liner. People are all different.

I’ve spent a little bit of time in the Midwest (Ohio specifically) for work, and with few exceptions even the chains I like at home did not taste good there.


The correct superpower is always mind control.

Somebody check on K. Michelle make she alright. Bring her a plate.

This is the second whitest thing I have seen all week.

Being ‘black’ IS the crime.

The Venn diagram of people who do this and people who tip poorly is a perfect circle.

she was their first black friend.


I loved this. It was so random and so Tyra. After unnecessarily creating a scenario where she gets to play the thoughtful benefactor (when she could have just allowed 15 finalists from the beginning) she still had to find a way to insert her own wacky self-mythologizing into Erin’s emotional moment:

I am not going to drop it... but Tyra looks like her outfit came straight from Kohl’s head to toe.

Im tellin ya’ll, Biden/Winfrey 2020. That’s a bullet-proof ticket. Joe is a teflon politician and Oprah is the indominible personality. Joe does one term, retires, and Oprah can slide in after getting some experience in politics.

Hah I’m serious! I remember back when she still had her show and the live audience had a large amount of middle aged, and even younger white women. Or the suburban soccer moms who were members of her book club. Oprah is advanced bougie from a rough traumatic childhood, and that really appeals to a lot of white people.

I just have this feeling that someone with a flashy name needs to go up against Trump in 2020. Political experience won’t win. Tried and true politicians don’t win against Trump. We’ve seen that. We need someone just as explosive as Trump to compete.

I also LOOOVE bread, and she had my vote.

If trump isn’t imprisoned by then, and Oprah really does run, AND trump still somehow wins then I’d DEFINITELY move to a different country.