
I clean just about everything, from pot handles to crockpot (insert and exterior), to fridge handles and interior. Once a week I sanitize the sink (and then toss the sponge). I guess the only thing I don’t clean is our electric kettle. I think I’ll give that a good scrub this weekend.

Well, to be fair to Victoria, I looked at her IG after I posted and most of the pictures are of her with brown skin. So, she’s probably right that this was a lighting issue.

As a man I cant speak much about women and make up because I don’t really know shit about it but you pointed out what I noticed a lot about these Black makeup vloggers on IG and Youtube: the stark contrast of them lighting their skin. Its too hard not to notice it, and the write seems to gloss over the colorism issue

I know you wrote you didn’t want to get too much into the lighting/colorism issue, but my only comment about this story has always been how much lighter her skin (and eyes) are in the after photo.


ALL the virtual hugs...and thanks for injecting some empathy into a situation that some simply find entertaining.

I remember I started hearing about him back during the first or second season of Louie, so I went and looked up some of his stand-up on Youtube. He’s telling this joke I don’t even remember about what and then he throws in a “nigger” at the end. Like it didn’t have anything to do with the content of the joke, he just

I have to admit it did feel kind of condescending, as if black folks don’t know who he is without the “Oh, and he wrote for a black guy, too!” addition.

I don’t think Louis ck is so unknown that people he wrote for need to be thrown in the mix with him. I especially don’t see why Chris Rock’s name needs to be in the headline.

I was looking around for their funky behind because I opened this site up looking for some foolery and got gut-punched.

Must be my allergies...

Somebody is cutting onions in this biatch because my eyes all watery. Anyhoo, you keep on doing it PJ. This makes my day.

I want to send her an edible arrangement or some muffins


when it comes to regular abuse in the industry, rather than sexual, I’ve suffered way worse at the hands of female bosses. it’s brutal. (happily, the two worst offenders are now - finally - pretty much unemployable.) my only mentors were men.

Somebody sounds guilty.

I’m there with you. I don’t WANT to be cheated on and I don’t cheat (because it’s not worth the damage, not because there’s a minute of my life that goes by where I don’t want to ride Terry Crews like a fairground pony) but even perfect relationships are made of imperfect people, so not all infidelity is an automatic

Dudes sleep on how attractive their gf’s/wives actually are.

Being a martyr, and probably a terrible person to be around because you couldn’t have an honest conversation with your wife about how miserable you are and now pretending that is something to be proud of is ridiculous.

I feel like this is a safe place for me to say that, as a woman ***takes deep breath*** cheating is just not a deal breaker for me. Don’t cuss me out, ladies. I’m not saying that I want to be cheated on or in an open relationship. I just understand that cheating does happen and I’d evaluate the occurrence on a